Speaker applications are open until Friday 23 February 2024.

Below the application form we can have this bit of text. Read our Frequently Asked Questions on the speaker application process: Top FAQs from speaker applicants: What’s the theme?While there’s a theme for the event in place, TEDxLusaka does not announce the theme before speaker applications close. This is to allow a diversity of ideas that are not bound to a particular theme. Do I have to be an expert?A TEDx speaker must be credible in their profession or discipline. Remember, all TEDx talks are researched and peer reviewed before they are given the go-ahead to be delivered on the stage. Having experience improves one’s credibility. Where can I apply?The application is linked here: https://forms.gle/RFsWREmEeZWeDL4E9Be sure to read the questions carefully and follow the instructions. What’s the deadline?23 February, 2024 at 23:59 hrs. How do I know if I have a good idea?What are you offering the audience by asking them to listen to your idea? What will the audience learn from your idea that they didn’t already know? What unique insights, new perspectives or solutions to a problem will you be sharing through your talk? Why is our application process so lengthy? Because finding an idea worth spreading isn’t easy and we would like those who do apply to have a keenly developed idea that others will derive value from.We spend time reviewing applications but recognise that investing time in an idea that the speaker hasn’t taken time to develop doesn’t serve other potential speakers well.
Announcing TEDxLusaka Countdown 2023 Event

TEDxLusaka will hold its first climate-focused event on Saturday 30 September, 2023. In 2023, TED announced, Countdown – the first climate-focused event, to share ideas, innovations and solutions on the climate crisis affecting all corners of the globe. TEDxLusaka was one of twelve – and the only event in Africa – invited to hold its own event of this type. The Lusaka event will feature talks delivered by over twenty thought leaders and experts from different sectors, such as agriculture, ecology, and anthropology. These speakers will share their ideas on climate adaptations relevant to Zambia. Speakers are yet to be announced. The TEDxLusaka 2023 event is supported by the European Union through the EU4MULIMI programme, the main agricultural programme of the European Union in Zambia. The event will be held at the NIPA Conference Centre from 9 to 17hrs. Tickets are on sale for K200. The ticket includes delicious food and drinks from vendors who specialise in sustainable food items. TEDxLusaka has held almost-annual conferences since 2010 to share ideas that challenge perceptions or the status quo or bring innovation and creativity to Lusaka, and Zambia, at large to create a better world for all.
TEDxYouthLusaka 2021 Speakers
Zoey Margret Konie-Chiluba Zoey has an academic background in Theology, Media, Leadership and Finance. She is an accountant, an entrepreneur and aspires to be a YouTube influencer and podcaster with her channel Zoey’s Korner. In 2018, Zoey was crowned Miss Earth Air Zambia, and represented Zambia in the Miss Earth pageant. She is passionate about natural hair and women and youth issues, serving as a youth leader since 2014.
Behind the Scenes: Speaker Coaching

The Speaker Coaches want their speakers to deliver the best talk possible.